Welcome to the Middle Ages of Northern Europe. There is plenty of work to be done.
Create a medieval trade empire and expand in to encompass the whole Old World. Build warehouses, workshops, brickworks and much more to strengthen your financial position in the Hansa. Gain reputation in your hometow...
Welcome to the Middle Ages of Northern Europe. There is plenty of work to be done.
Create a medieval trade empire and expand in to encompass the whole Old World. Build warehouses, workshops, brickworks and much more to strengthen your financial position in the Hansa. Gain reputation in your hometown by developing its infrastructure with roads, hospitals, schools and become Lord Mayor thus gaining full control of the city. Be a famous pirate killer... Or become one yourself!
Visit the great cities of Hamburg, Stockholm, London, Novgorod, Oslo and more. Explore the Mediterranean as you build your trade empire. Hold galas to celebrate victory in battle and your town's growth. Run massive trading operations and cope with the consequences of enhanced seasonal weather effects.
Patrician III - sequel to the award wining game Patrician II - features advanced in-game AI, which adjusts its difficulty based on experience and ability. In this economic sandbox game you can gain wealth and power in multiple ways - what you will do with it is up to you. Invite up to 8 of your friends for a multiplayer session via LAN or over the Internet.
You can raise your standing through town improvement and diplomacy or fill your coffers through piracy and smuggling. Grow your small town into a major trading centre wielding tremendous economic power today!
Support a medieval city by building warehouses, mints, schools, barns and much more and become its governor
Run massive trading operations and cope with consequences of enhanced seasonal weather effects
Battle pirates and rivals in great naval battles
Dodatkowa zawartość
instrukcja (65 str.)
ścieżka dźwiękowa gry
Wymagania systemowe
Minimalne wymagania systemowe:
Wymagania systemowe:
Windows 7/8/10
1 GHz
512 MB RAM
Karta graficzna:
3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9
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Karta graficzna:
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